Bat Research, Survey, and Monitoring
CMI has USFWS- approved teams available to assist stakeholders with all aspects of bat conservation. They conduct acoustic and capture surveys for endangered and threatened species, radio-tracking of individuals to identify roost site selection, species composition surveys, and clearing level survey work for forestry, infrastructure, and land development applications.
Our staff has over a decade of experience conducting surveys and scientific examination of bat populations across much of the eastern US, and areas in the west as well. Our are permitted to work with Indiana bat, northern long-eared bat, gray bat, Virginia big-eared bat, and the remaining suite of species including little-brown bat and tri-colored bat. We partner with the USGS Fish and Wildlife Cooperative Research Unit at Virginia Tech on projects sponsored by the Department of Defense, National Park Service, Virginia Department of Transportation, Virginia Department of Game and Inland Fisheries, and several private companies.