Caitlin Carey

Blacksburg, VA 24061-0534
Caitlin Carey is a Research Associate who joined the Conservation Management Institute after receiving her master’s degree in Fisheries Science. Her research focuses on the conservation and management of imperiled aquatic species with an emphasis in population and community ecology, spatial-temporal variations in population dynamics, design and implementation of monitoring programs, restoration and landscape ecology, and population genetics. Her recent projects include assessing population dynamics of native and restored freshwater mussel populations, evaluating the long-term success of mussel restoration efforts, examining the impact of dams on stream communities and habitat, evaluating genetic variability among mussel populations to inform captive propagation efforts, and monitoring T&E and at-risk species on military lands. She has over 10 years of experience with freshwater mussels in the Tennessee River Basin and Atlantic Slope drainage and is an approved surveyor in Virginia for Tennessee River drainage freshwater mussels.
- Aquatic ecology
- Population dynamics
- Research and recovery of imperiled freshwater mollusks
- Conservation and management of freshwater ecosystems
- Environmental education and outreach
B.S. Fisheries Science, Virginia Tech (2008)
M.S. Fisheries and Wildlife, Virginia Tech (2013)
Carey, C.S., J.W. Jones, R.S. Butler, and E.M. Hallerman. 2015. Restoring the endangered oyster mussel (Epioblasma capsaeformis) to the upper Clinch River, Virginia: an evaluation of population restoration techniques. Restoration Ecology 23:447–454.
Carey, C.S., J.W. Jones, E.M. Hallerman, and R.S. Butler. 2013. Determining optimum temperature for growth and survival of laboratory-propagated juvenile freshwater mussels. North American Journal of Aquaculture 75:532–542.
Wilson, A.M., D.W. Brauning, C.S. Carey, and R.S. Mulvihill. 2017. Spatial models to account for variation in observer effort in bird atlases. Ecology and Evolution 7:6582–6594.