Scott D. Klopfer
The logo of the CMI is a diamond with a multi-colored leaf in the middle.

Scott Klopfer is a Certified Wildlife Biologist ® with over 20 years in wildlife and natural resources management experience. He has been a researcher at CMI for much of that time, first as a graduate student working on his MS degree (1997) then as a Research Associate starting in 1995. He became the Director of CMI in 2009 after coordinating the GIS and Remote Sensing Division for nearly 10 years. He has also worked for the US Forest Service Northeastern Research Station, the Flat Rock Brook Nature Association, and the NYS Dept. of Environmental Conservation.
Scott has worked on sponsored projects with a number of state and federal agencies including the Virginia Department of Wildlife Resources, US Fish and Wildlife Service, National Park Service, and the US Geological Survey. His research interests include applied landscape ecology, managing natural resources in changing landscapes, and the relationship between importance and information in decision making. Scott has a BS in Environmental Science and Forest Biology from SUNY College Environmental Science and Forestry (1992) and is presently pursuing a PhD in Geospatial and Environmental Analysis through the Department of Geography at VT.
Wildlife-habitat modeling
Landscape Ecology
Decision Support Systems
Ecosystem services
B.S. Environmental and Forest Biology - SUNY Environmental Science and Forestry (1993)
M.S. Wildlife Sciences - Virginia Tech (1997)
Hoegh, A,.I. Crandell, M. Fies, and S. Klopfer. 2016. Model Selection with Missing Covariates for Policy Considerations in Fox Enclosures. Journal of Applied Statistics. Issue 15. Published online 24 Nov 2016.
Whitaker, D. M., J. C. Pack, G. W. Norman, D. F. Stauffer, and S. D. Klopfer. 2005. A range-wide meta-analysis of wild turkey breeding phenology. in C. Al. Stewart, ed., Proceedings of the Ninth National Wild Turkey Symposium, Michigan Department of Natural Resources, Lansing, MI.
McCombs, J.W., S.D. Klopfer, and G.L. Schairer. 2000. Using a relative phenological index to improve conifer classification in forests of the eastern United States from Landsat TM data. Pages 216-223 in Proceeding of the Second International Conference. Geospatial Information in Agriculture and Forestry. ERIM International. January 10-12, 2000. Lake Buena Vista, FL.
Schairer, G.L., R.H. Wynne, M.L. Fies, and S.D. Klopfer. 1999. Predicting landscape quality for Northern bobwhite from classified Landsat imagery. Proc. Annual Conf. Southeast. Assoc. Fish and Wildlife Agencies. 53:243-256.
Klopfer, S.D. 1999. Climate characteristics of the Big Levels region, Augusta County, Virginia. Banisteria 13:17-22.
Scott, C.T. and S.D. Klopfer. 1998. Standard forest sampling designs and their analysis using TabGen. Conference Proceedings. Toward a unified framework for inventorying and monitoring forest ecosystem resources. Guadalajara, Mexico.
Klopfer, S.D. 1997. Insolation, precipitation, and moisture maps for a Virginia geographic information system. M.S. Thesis Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg VA. 199 pp.