Verl Emrick

Blacksburg, VA 24061-0534
Dr. Verl Emrick is a Research Scientist-Ecologist with the Conservation Management Institute at Virginia Tech within the College of Natural Resources and Environment and has worked in the area of ecology and natural resource management for over 20 years. In recent years, Dr. Emrick has participated in a variety of ecology and natural resource related research and management projects for private, state, and federal land management agencies. In addition, he has taught courses at Ferrum College and Virginia Tech ranging from Freshman Biology to tropical Ecology. Prior to coming to the Conservation Management Institute, Dr. Emrick was a research fellow with Oak Ridge National labs and the Army Corps of Engineers. In addition, he held research and technician positions with Colorado State University, University of North Carolina-Asheville, Coweeta hydrologic lab and North Carolina State University. He currently works on research projects involving, ecosystem restoration, forest carbon sequestration, threatened and endangered species research and management, disturbance ecology and biogeochemistry and is a member of the Association of Southeastern Biologists, Southern Appalachian Botanical Society, Ecological Society of America, National Military Fish and Wildlife Association and Sigma Xi research honor society.
Vegetation Ecology
Impact of anthropogenic disturbance and the effect on ecosystem structure and biogeochemistry
Southern Appalachian Natural History
Tropical Forest Carbon Stocks
Ph.D. Biology Virginia Tech (2013)
BS Environmental Science and Ecology, minor in Biology from the University of North Carolina-Asheville (1994)