Josselyn Lucas
Josselyn earned her bachelor's degree in Ecology, Evolution and Environmental Biology from Appalachian State University and is currently finishing her master's degree in Natural Resources at Virginia Tech. Drawing upon over a decade of experience as a biologist-turned-project manager, Josselyn plays a critical part in the development of large-scale stream and wetland restoration projects. Josselyn's experience with a myriad of partners, projects, clients, and funding sources provided her with invaluable insights into the complexities of restoration ecology, underscoring the importance of adopting a holistic approach to modern conservation. She advocates for integrating new technologies and the latest scientific advancements with Traditional Ecological Knowledge, local solutions, and nature's evolutionary patterns to effectively address contemporary environmental challenges.
Currently, she leads the development of the WLFW Aquatic Connectivity Framework, a strategic plan aimed at conserving aquatic habitats on private lands across 16 states in central and eastern U.S., with a particular emphasis on preserving biodiversity in the southeast region. Through this framework, Josselyn seeks to cultivate lasting partnerships for a collaborative-capacity approach to landscape-scale aquatic conservation projects. She believes that by working together more effectively, we can strike a balance between providing food security for an ever-growing population and safeguarding biodiversity in the face of climate change